design is a verb : csr & dei
Back in 2016, Havas Group found that 73% of consumers believe companies have a responsibility to do more than just generate a profit, and 53% avoid buying from companies that have a negative social or environmental impact.
So it’s no surprise that of the 150 business leaders polled by Porter Novelli four years later, 80% believe that business has more of a responsibility than ever to address pressing social and environmental issues.
Ultimately, your sustainability and DEI strategies are becoming the lifeblood of your brand.
There’s a lot that goes into this kind of nonfinancial reporting. It’s not just a nice story to get your company some good PR. It’s a responsibility not to be taken lightly but, at the same time, it can stifle your progress to prioritize perfection, or even the appearance of it.
Here are some ways you can ensure your CSR and DEI reporting is pulling its weight:
Know what’s important to all of your stakeholders – from investors to employees to customers. While they may differ from one to another, there’s gold to be found in the places where priorities overlap. This is where your brand needs to go.
It’s not enough to say it. You have to show it. You gotta put data behind not only what you report, but the goals you set as well.
Go beyond what you think you can do. Set your sights on what society truly needs. Of course it’ll be big and daunting and hard, but progress will settle for nothing less.
What’s working? What isn’t? What needs to improve? Do you need help to get there? Every single stakeholder deserves to know what’s going on behind the curtain. That’s kinda the point.
The report itself is important, obviously. But to forge your goals to the heart of your brand, these stories need to be told and retold. And then told again. Not only does this build loyalty, but it’ll keep you accountable.