be you.
One of my core beliefs is that it’s less important to be original as it is to be authentic. Originality can become kitschy and easily forgettable, while authenticity is lasting and foundational. Together, of course, they create individuality… Together they become unique, together they shine.
“There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure… We were all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to manifest the glory that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.”
The logo for the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic games was recently released. Those games are slated for Los Angeles – city of angels, land of dreams, domain of celebrity. Celebrity isn’t always authentic, that’s true. But it’s hard to ignore the fact that LA is the mother lode of individuality, a shining example of uniqueness, and the Olympic logo is a fantastic representation of just that.
The foundational elements begin with the letterforms ‘L’, ‘2’ and ‘8’, each in a different type style. But the ever-changing ‘A’ is really where the magic is, for two reasons:
One, the ‘A’, designed collectively by local creatives, sports personalities, musicians and celebrities, is about as clear a representation of “the infinite number of stories that come to life in Los Angeles” as one can get.
And two, along with designing the ‘A’ collectively, the entire basis of the brand is collaborative, reflecting teamwork in creative endeavour as well as sport.
Getting to this level of foundation is what really gets my blood pumping for a brand (or rebrand) project. It’s what gets me going for any project, if I’m honest. (I reckon this is why I found such joy digging into the minutiae of how solar shading works…)
I learned a long, long time ago that whether you’re selling a product or building a movement, the best way to get the attention you seek is to be uniquely you. Not just unique, but your version of unique. Say it your way. Do it your way. Stand up in order to stand out.
The LA Olympics team has done that well; it’s just a beautiful approach all around. The LA28 brand is definitely shining.