know what you don't know. then learn it. (if you wanna.)
I haven’t really been keeping a tally, but I’d bet a dollar that I’ve tuned in to 20 or more webinars, roundtables and online events in the last 5 months. It’s been pretty incredible.
There’s been advice and tips, how-to sessions on various skills, panels to discuss what role design can play in societal change, and the kind of profound thoughts that only emerge during conversation.
“The task of design is a uniquely human, innate capacity... There are no gatekeepers. The gate is open.”
The thing is, I wouldn’t have had access to so much education and inspiration if not for the pandemic creating the shitstorm that produced the need for it all. Goes to show there is gratitude to be found even in the darkest times.
Here are some of the highlights so far-
#RestorativeDesignConference | Greater Good Studio | 10/2/20
Creative Mornings Atlanta: Insecurity with John Onwuchekwa of Portrait Coffee | 6/26/20
Brands for Good: Accelerating Culture Change | Sustainable Brands | 9/15/20
#RestorativeDesignConference | Greater Good Studio | 10/2/20
Responding to COVID-19 as a Creative Entrepreneur | AIGA | 5/6/20